De-stressing Creative Craft Workshops

We conduct Corporate and Student Workshops for De-stressing, team building and enhancing creativity through numerous hobby and craft activities.

We also undertake craft projects/ fun & creativity workshops for Charitable organizations on request basis.

If interested please contact us via -
Email at
Phone: 9886398171

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

A Set of Four Cute Dolls

Lets learn how to make these cute dolls:

Material Required: four attractive shaped Oil and Powder bottles, A toilet paper roll, four thermocol balls/ table tennis balls, poster colors, ribbons and laces for further decoration, glue, scissors, water, paint brushes


1. Make diluted solution of equal amount of water and glue in a small bowl.
2. Take the thermocol balls or table tennis balls and apply glue solution with a paint brush.
3. carefully wrap them with a thin coat of the toilet paper and allow them to dry for 4-5 hours
4. Take the four bottles and ensure they can stand firmly on a flat surface; or else you may cut a bit of the lower portion of these bottles to give them a firm base. Make use of a heated sharp knife for this.
4. Repeat the toilet Paper wraping process to these four bottles, such that they can be used as the body of the dolls. allow them to dry for 4-5 hours.
5. Take the colours of your choice to paint them as shown in the picture.
6. You can even make use of attractive ribbons and laces to make these dolls attractive.

Please Try making these and keep me may mail me at for any craft ideas, suggestions or queries you have. would love to take them


Friday, 3 February 2012

The Paper Insects made for a school

Material Used for Ant Body : A Long inflated Baloon, Electric Wires, Glitter papers, Cardboard Sheet

Material used for Lady Bug Body: Half cut green coconut shell, velvet paper, Electric wires, black cello tape, card board sheet, ready made eyes

Please Try making these and keep me may mail me at for any craft ideas, suggestions or queries you have. would love to take them


Thursday, 2 February 2012

Valentine's Day Special -Handmade Card and Bookmarks

Please Try making these and keep me may mail me at for any craft ideas, suggestions or queries you have. would love to take them